Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When did I get so old?

Do you ever feel like life has passed you by? I do.

I have grandchildren....that's good, but these grandchildren are smarter than I am by like 100%

I grew up in the 50's. We played games like "Kick the Can" , and "Hide and Seek"....and if we were inside, we'd play Monopoly, Cooties, or watch TV that had only 3 channels and the Mickey Mouse Club!

Nowadays, it's the Playstation 2, the "DS" and the "WII" and all manner of game consoles and configurations that just pass my old brain by! And the GAMES....holy hannah! Who came up with all this stuff! It makes me wonder if the people who think these things up are really barely 20 years old making sure we all feel obsolete, and thus become old before our time!

The problem is that games are what they want for Christmas, and how am I, the age-befuddled grandparent supposed to know which game is right? Good Better Best. What is on the grandchildrens lists of good better and best usually does not meet with MY good better best! I just need a place where they are listed and explained (in age-befuddled english) so that I can make a decision that doesn't make me feel like I've compromised their innocence, made the parents hate me, and made the kids happy!

I want to do whats right. I don't want to get into a discussion of how video games rot their brain or how it makes them violent. It's the parents job to monitor, limit, and have conversations about whats right and wrong...I just want to give them a Christmas present.

I just wish it was easier or I was younger!